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When IS the last time you heard from your Medicare agent?

It’s like it was yesterday (maybe it actually was?) You were getting ready to turn the big 6-5 and like a raging flood, the mail started to come.  The phone calls were incessant.  The anxiety was high and there were so many questions.

“Do I take both Part A & B?  What about my job’s insurance?  What’s Medicare Advantage?  Supplement…I thought that was included in regular Medicare? Is my Social Security affected?”  And so on and so forth.

Newly eligible Medicare beneficiaries are usually already stressed out, frustrated and confused, so, often times, they throw their hands up in the air, and go with the first agent they get a hold of.  And don’t get me wrong, sometimes that works out okay.  In fact, I have clients with whom I was the first agent they came across. But, unfortunately what often happens is, they sign up for a plan and… Never. Hear. From. That. Agent. AGAIN.

So next year’s enrollment comes around, and there’s a conversation something like this…

“Who was that person that enrolled us last year?”, says the wife.  “I dunno”, says DH.  “Well, is there someone to call?” wife asks.  DH shrugs.  “No idea dear.” “Wasn’t there a number, a business card…something?”, the wife says now visibly annoyed.  “Can’t recall, dear.” “Well what are we suppose to do now?”, wife wonders worriedly….

And here’s what many people do.  Nothing. They auto-enroll year after year after year and never know what the difference is.  Then they go to the doctor, only to find out the doctor is no longer in their network.  They go to pick up a prescription at their usual pharmacy, only to find out the cost is higher this year.  They heard about some “gym membership included” in their plan, but have no idea which one to go to.

As someone who spent the better part of my adult life in the Customer Service Industry, the above scenario is beyond frustrating to me.  In a former life, I was a customer service manager, and let me tell you…if we failed a customer, there were MANY a senior citizen who would make sure we knew ALL about it.  And of course, I would speak to the customer to hear what went wrong and made sure we fixed it properly, because I strongly believe customers who were paying good money for services deserve to have their expectations met.

And yet…when it comes to something so tremendously important, in this case, their healthcare decisions, many seniors are left high and dry, without the level of care or service they deserve from their agent.  Which is why I always ask…“So….when IS the last time you heard from your Medicare agent?”  Usually, heads will shake, eyes will narrow, and confused faces will appear.  “Whhaaaa…What do you mean? What agent?”  

And THAT is the problem, folks!  Someone enrolled them, but no one took care of them.

If you haven’t had your agent call you this year to explain all the details of next year’s plan, then my friend, you are being under-served! Carriers make changes to plans every year, and you have the right to know how those changes affect you.  

Don’t settle for less!  

Instead, in a matter of minutes and with a few simple questions, I can determine what your needs are and what kind of benefits you may qualify for.  And if you like your plan…no worries!  I’ll make sure you stay in it WITH the added support of having me as your agent.  And remember, since my agency is fully independent, I don’t work for the insurance companies, I work for YOU!

This enrollment season, don’t go it alone!  Call me anytime at (910)7782973, Monday- Friday, between 8:30am and 7:00 pm, or go here to request a NO COST policy review!

I would love to have the opportunity to show you the difference and earn your business for many years to come! I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thanks and have a powerful day,

-Your Friendly Neighborhood Insurance Agent